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WWII Internet links used in creating Unbroken Line. See also: Bibliography from Unbroken Line (recommended excellent resources) |
Note: These are some links used in 2000-2002. About 40% of the ones used then are not included because they have moved or disappeared, the links broken. Since anyone anywhere can post anything at anytime on the Internet, one is advised to use these and all sites judiciously. Links in black merely maneuver you around this table. Blue take you out onto the Internet, each one in a pop-up window. REMEMBER: close a pop-up before opening the next one. |
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
STATISTICS (all combatants) http://gi.grolier.com/wwii/wwii_16.html This site is a part of the multimedia company "Scholastic" which "has built a longstanding relationship as the most trusted name in publishing, education and entertainment, reaching millions of parents, teachers and children." It includes other links to WWII information. A fine resource. |
MAP (losses by Nation) http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/ww2-loss.htm A couple of dramatic maps of the world showing comparative losses, military and civilian, of each country in WWII - well done and shockingly enlightening. Created by an ambitious amateur; parent site is http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/20centry.htm. |
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
GENERAL (Holocaust data) http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/resource/website.htm Rich source of numerous Holocaust links created as a "teacher's guide to the Holocaust"; part of the University of South Florida |
FORGOTTEN CAMPS http://www.jewishgen.org/ForgottenCamps/ A mindboggling look at the monstrous scope the WWII Nazi concentration camps. The parent site, http://www.jewishgen.org/, has hundreds of links of general use; well organized and designed specifically for genealogical research, an obvious need. |
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
GERMAN FORCES (wide-ranging information) http://www.feldgrau.com/ This web author has had over a million visitors since 1996. His site is well-organized and full of detail and imagery. The site has over 1750 pages of German military history. |
STATISTICS (German military and civilian) http://www.feldgrau.com/stats.html A concise summary of population, enlistment, casualties by year and campaign, casualties overall, etc. |
THIRD REICH FACT BOOK http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/ A one-page directory of Third Reich components with links to each category. |
NAZI PROPAGANDA http://www.zundelsite.org/english/debate/003_jam.html This is going on right now! It is an apology for Nazism. Read and beware. |
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
MAPQUEST http://www.mapquest.com/ I always came back to this source in preference to others. It seemed the most complete of the map sites. |
OMNI MAPS http://www.omnimap.com/ A wonderful place to get maps covering much of the world; topo maps of Belgium and Germany were ordered through them. |
USMA ATLAS http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/default.htm US Military Academy (West Point) mapping series for WWII. If you can't find the campaign atlas books, simply download a high-quality, color map directly for free. |
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
NATIONAL ARCHIVES http://www.nara.gov The editor spent 2 long days in this delightful facility in College Park, MD. There are over 8 million photos total with much of them from WWII. One could spend days or weeks immersed in the photo albums. You can make inexpensive photo-quality copies of source photos yourself or contract with a search company to pull and copy the photos you want. Other repositories around the country have specialized, smaller collections. Not much at all is available online to date. |
Reference, Histories, Book Sources
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS / OFFICE OF HISTORY I visited the Ft. Belvoir campus to obtain copies of some of the photos used. They have online books and other resources of interest at http://www.hq.usace.army.mil/history/. |
WWII HISTORY An award-winning military historical web site with listing of events day-by-day and many other resources. http://www.euronet.nl/users/wilfried/ww2/ww2.htm |
MILITARY BOOKS (West Point Academy bookstore) http://gradstore.west-point.org/ |
EISENHOWER CENTER Univ. of Texas based site on WWII history and links to other sources http://www.eisenhower.utexas.edu/wwetol.htm |
WWII LINKS A large directory of all sorts of WWII history sites http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/ww2_links.html |
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51st REENACTORS This group has adopted the 51st and keeps their history alive. Not that many WWII units have such a devoted following. http://www.51ecb.org/ |
MILITARY TOURS sites for information on tours that visit actual locations, memorials, museums. http://www.tours-international.co.uk/Military+Tours and another choice http://miltours.com/ |
Casualties ¦ Concentration Camps ¦ German Forces ¦ Mapping ¦ Photos ¦ Reference, Histories, Book Sources ¦ Tours, Organizations ¦ Weapons
TANKS concise descriptions / drawings of US tanks in WWII http://www.onwar.com/tanks/usa/ |
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